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Offline activation .exe GTA 4: Download and Install GTA 4 Offline Activation for Free


I've recently updated with a clean install of Windows 10, whatever I do I simply cannot get my genuine bought version of GTA IV to get past activation. I'm not a computer newb and had to play around with various settings etc. to get the game to work on Windows 7 and to not restrict my humongous video card.

So, it worked fine on Windows 7 (after two hours of farting about), After a completely fresh OS install I have now tried installing the game twice, reset the security code check online (unactivated), tried manual activation which seems like it works and accepts the code (says 'activation successful') but simply will not activate.

offline activation .exe gta 4

Crack for GTA 4 - this Softonic based on the original translation of the game from 1C. Translation of the game will help you understand the game process and the fate of the protagonist - Niko Bellic in Russian. Softonic contains the automatic installation of the developer.Crack for GTA 4 beautifully put to the game with patch or install follow these instructions:- Install the game;To install the update package (GTA IV v. or;- Run the file RUS_GTAIV_EFLC.exe;- Follow the installer instructions;- Select the path to the directory where you installed the game (if not specified correctly by default);- Set;Question: "One or more files are write-protected. Anyway to replace it?" answer "Yes";- Start the game;- In game menu, select "Options->Display->Language->English". The default is English (English) language.The current version of Russian language support: (beta).Russian PiLoc language support is also compatible with the Steam version of the game and episodes EFLC.

This topic is aimed at helping the users with Retail Copy of the game to continue playing in offline mode even after it asks for internet connection to verify the game activation after the token expires.

After you have finished blocking the exe files, Run the game again using GTA5.exe, It should load fine in offline mode and will continue to do so till 5 days. After that it will ask for verification, so exit the game, and set the system date to 4 days back and relaunch the game, This should bypass the verification and allow the game to load in offline mode without any issue, After game finishes loading you can safely set system date back to current one.

Changing SYSTEM Date is required to be done everytime to make the game load in offline mode. i have been loading the game for about 12 days straight without any issues. For me it worked fine for 5 days after which it started asking for verification.

I also tried to rollback the system date. It actually works even when you have no Launcher Bypass running. But, again, not 100% percent of the time. My record playing the game offline this way is about six months.

Extracted and placed files from the archive, installed social club., Blocked both exe files in firewall [no updates possible, set date to 13th Dec, installed mods. Booted game, account auto-signed in offline mode, verification skipped, game loaded with success.]

Um, that will almost certainly not work, given the fact that Rage Hook plugins utilize their own .exe file. This file in turn, automatically invokes Social Club Launcher on start, so it is not possible to run "Rage Hook" mode and avoid Launcher menace.

This topic is aimed at helping the users with Retail Copy of the game to continue playing in offline mode even after it asks for internet connection to verify the game activation after the token expires.\nRequirements:\n\nLegal retail copy of GTA V\nASI Loader\nNo GTAVLauncher 2.0\nSocial Club account\n\nInstall ASI Loader [Using OpenIV's ASI Manager]\nDownload No GTAVLauncher 2.0 from: after download extract the files and only copy the "No_GTAVLauncher.asi" file to GTA V Directory.\nNext boot up the game using GTA5.exe file. Let the game load in Story Mode through internet connection, this will create a fresh account token. After game is loaded in Story Mode, exit the game.\nNavigate to taskbar [located at bottom side of the screen] click on windows logo button > Searchbar, search for "firewall" then click on "Windows Defender Firewall"\n\nAdvanced Settings > Outbound Rules, then right click on Outbound Rules > New Rule > Program, Click Next then key in the location of the executable > Block the connection, click Next & again click next and finally input the Program's Name and click finish.\nBlocking the following exe files:\n\nGTA5.exe\nSocialClubHelper.exe\n\nAfter you have finished blocking the exe files, Run the game again using GTA5.exe, It should load fine in offline mode and will continue to do so till 5 days. After that it will ask for verification, so exit the game, and set the system date to 4 days back and relaunch the game, This should bypass the verification and allow the game to load in offline mode without any issue, After game finishes loading you can safely set system date back to current one.\nNOTES:\n\n\nThis has been only tested on Retail Copy of the game. So i don't know if it works on Steam copy.\n\n\nChanging SYSTEM Date is required to be done everytime to make the game load in offline mode. i have been loading the game for about 12 days straight without any issues. For me it worked fine for 5 days after which it started asking for verification.\n\n\nThe SYSTEM date that you will always use to skip verification is the one that you used to first login into the game using online account in story mode, So make sure to write it down somewhere [ex: mine is 13th Dec 2018, so i always load the game using that date]\n\n\nMake sure to copy the Profile folder and place it somewhere safe, incase it gets corrupted / deleted. located in [Documents > "Rockstar Games"]\n\n\nModding Notes: v1.46 - Arena Wars\nTrainers Tested:\n\nEnhanced Native Trainer\nMenyoo\n\nScripts Tested:\nA.I Police Pursuits Disabler\nAddonPeds [Using ENT and Menyoo]\nCommissioned JB700\nDriver Controls Vehicle Weapons\nHeap Limit Adjuster\nBenny's Original Motor Works in SP\nPremium Deluxe Motorsport Car Dealership\nAdd-On Vehicle Spawner\nATM in SP\nMuted Speech OUTDATED script.\nIncompatible Script:\nRAGE Plugin Hook [thanks to TheMurderousCricket for the info]\n","tid":"22354","timestamp":"1545566388577","deleted":false,"editor":"uid":"93594","username":"Dafa","userslug":"dafa","upvotes":1,"uid":"93594","votes":1,"timestampISO":"2018-12-23T11:59:48.577Z","editedISO":"2018-12-25T08:27:58.371Z","index":0,"user":"uid":"93594","username":"Dafa","fullname":"","userslug":"dafa","reputation":"1","postcount":"3","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1545757785894","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"D","icon:bgColor":"#f44336","lastonlineISO":"2018-12-25T17:09:45.894Z","custom_profile_info":[],"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0},"timestamp":"1545567515507","deleted":false,"pid":"136896","content":"This is actually quite a good workflow @Dafa and, to be honest, I tried something like this on several occasions. I can attest that it does work though not 100% of the time... It's sure nice of you to describe it in detail, since many (including me) are too lazy for that. \nOne of the problems I see is that The Launcher Bypass that you mention seems to be extremely crash-prone. Much more than the other tool by Unknown Modder.\nI also tried to rollback the system date. It actually works even when you have no Launcher Bypass running. But, again, not 100% percent of the time. My record playing the game offline this way is about six months. \nI think it is just enough to launch one Bypass or another and not tamper with one's firewall too much because, who knows, maybe this is the cause why some game files may get corrupted as you mention. It never happened to me before either during a normal or a "bypass" usage, nonetheless, I do backup my "Profiles" folder from time to time, including my save files of course.\n","tid":"22354","toPid":"136895","uid":"72798","upvotes":0,"downvotes":0,"votes":0,"timestampISO":"2018-12-23T12:18:35.507Z","editedISO":"","index":1,"parent":"username":"Dafa","user":"uid":"72798","username":"TheMurderousCricket","fullname":"","userslug":"themurderouscricket","reputation":"249","postcount":"592","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1651085201133","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"T","icon:bgColor":"#3f51b5","lastonlineISO":"2022-04-27T18:46:41.133Z","custom_profile_info":[],"editor":null,"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"replies":"users":[],"timestampISO":"","count":0,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0,"edited":"1545687151302","pid":"136899","content":"@TheMurderousCricket To answer the question of profile corruption [Backing it up]. I stated that for 2 things:\n\nIncase computer gets infected, Profile folder will be altered messing up the account token\nIf you reinstalled the game from archived copy on a different PC and you don't have internet connection.\n\nAlso yesterday i took the the big risk, i knew i would get screwed and would have to start all over again but it actually worked.\nMade an archive of GTA V Retail Copy [84GB], copied my profile folder. Next i uninstalled GTA V + Social Club.\nExtracted and placed files from the archive, installed social club., Blocked both exe files in firewall [no updates possible, set date to 13th Dec, installed mods. Booted game, account auto-signed in offline mode, verification skipped, game loaded with success.]\n","tid":"22354","timestamp":"1545569246568","deleted":false,"editor":"uid":"93594","username":"Dafa","userslug":"dafa","uid":"93594","upvotes":0,"downvotes":0,"votes":0,"timestampISO":"2018-12-23T12:47:26.568Z","editedISO":"2018-12-24T21:32:31.302Z","index":2,"user":"uid":"93594","username":"Dafa","fullname":"","userslug":"dafa","reputation":"1","postcount":"3","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1545757785894","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"D","icon:bgColor":"#f44336","lastonlineISO":"2018-12-25T17:09:45.894Z","custom_profile_info":[],"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"replies":"users":[],"timestampISO":"","count":0,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0,"timestamp":"1545640320073","deleted":false,"pid":"136957","content":"@Dafa said in GTA V Offline Mode - Retail Copy only!:\n\nAlso yesterday i took the the big risk, i knew i would get screwed and would have to start all over again but it actually worked.\nMade an archive of GTA V Retail Copy [84GB], copied my profile folder. Next i uninstalled GTA V + Social Club.\nExtracted and placed files from the archive, installed social club., Blocked both exe files in firewall [no updates possible, set date to 13th Dec, installed mods. Booted game, account auto-signed in offline mode, verification skipped, game loaded with success.]\n\nI can't see any reason why that would not work. After all this is what other guys do in order to have one copy of GTA folder with mods and the other, a pristine one, to play online without mods.\n@Dafa said in GTA V Offline Mode - Retail Copy only!:\n\nUntested:\nRAGE Plugin Hook\n\nUm, that will almost certainly not work, given the fact that Rage Hook plugins utilize their own .exe file. This file in turn, automatically invokes Social Club Launcher on start, so it is not possible to run "Rage Hook" mode and avoid Launcher menace. \n","tid":"22354","uid":"72798","upvotes":0,"downvotes":0,"votes":0,"timestampISO":"2018-12-24T08:32:00.073Z","editedISO":"","index":3,"user":"uid":"72798","username":"TheMurderousCricket","fullname":"","userslug":"themurderouscricket","reputation":"249","postcount":"592","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1651085201133","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"T","icon:bgColor":"#3f51b5","lastonlineISO":"2022-04-27T18:46:41.133Z","custom_profile_info":[],"editor":null,"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"replies":"users":[],"timestampISO":"","count":0,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0,"timestamp":"1545659554509","deleted":false,"replies":"users":["uid":"72798","username":"TheMurderousCricket","userslug":"themurderouscricket","picture":"","icon:text":"T","icon:bgColor":"#3f51b5","status":"offline","administrator":false,"banned":false,"banned_until":0,"banned_until_readable":"Not Banned","email:confirmed":false],"timestampISO":"2018-12-25T11:16:41.259Z","count":1,"pid":"136975","content":"@TheMurderousCricket Also can you give more details about the crash issues you talked about, when using "No GTAVLauncher 2.0" ? Was it like normal crashing while playing or using specific mods?\n","tid":"22354","uid":"93594","upvotes":0,"downvotes":0,"votes":0,"timestampISO":"2018-12-24T13:52:34.509Z","editedISO":"","index":4,"user":"uid":"93594","username":"Dafa","fullname":"","userslug":"dafa","reputation":"1","postcount":"3","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1545757785894","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"D","icon:bgColor":"#f44336","lastonlineISO":"2018-12-25T17:09:45.894Z","custom_profile_info":[],"editor":null,"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0,"timestamp":"1545736601259","deleted":false,"pid":"137015","content":"@Dafa - For me, the "No GTAVLauncher 2.0" always crashes as soon as I take cover. Behind a car, behind a wall or fence - does not matter.\nThe other bypass works better, though it also occasionally crashes when in cover behind a car. I always found it puzzling that the game would fail at this particular action... What connection may a bypass have with the game mechanics...? I don't know.\n","tid":"22354","toPid":"136975","uid":"72798","upvotes":0,"downvotes":0,"votes":0,"timestampISO":"2018-12-25T11:16:41.259Z","editedISO":"","index":5,"parent":"username":"Dafa","user":"uid":"72798","username":"TheMurderousCricket","fullname":"","userslug":"themurderouscricket","reputation":"249","postcount":"592","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1651085201133","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"T","icon:bgColor":"#3f51b5","lastonlineISO":"2022-04-27T18:46:41.133Z","custom_profile_info":[],"editor":null,"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"replies":"users":[],"timestampISO":"","count":0,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0],"category":"disabled":false,"name":"General Modding Discussion","description":"Chat with fellow modders about the latest and greatest in GTA V modding","icon":"fa-gear","post_count":"43266","order":"3","class":"col-md-3 col-xs-6","parentCid":"0","topic_count":"10130","bgColor":"#74c5de","slug":"5/general-modding-discussion","numRecentReplies":"1","descriptionParsed":"Chat with fellow modders about the latest and greatest in GTA V modding\n","link":"","color":"#fff","cid":"5","imageClass":"cover","totalPostCount":"43266","totalTopicCount":"10130","thread_tools":["class":"toggleQuestionStatus alert-warning","title":"Ask as question","icon":"fa-question-circle"],"isFollowing":false,"isNotFollowing":true,"isIgnoring":false,"bookmark":null,"postSharing":[],"deleter":null,"deletedTimestampISO":"","related":[],"unreplied":false,"icons":[],"breadcrumbs":["text":"[[global:home]]","url":"/","text":"General Modding Discussion","url":"/category/5/general-modding-discussion","text":"GTA V Offline Mode - Retail Copy only!"],"privileges":"topics:reply":false,"topics:read":true,"topics:delete":false,"posts:edit":false,"posts:delete":false,"read":true,"view_thread_tools":false,"editable":false,"deletable":false,"view_deleted":false,"isAdminOrMod":false,"disabled":false,"tid":"22354","uid":0,"topicStaleDays":60,"reputation:disabled":false,"downvote:disabled":false,"feeds:disableRSS":true,"bookmarkThreshold":5,"postEditDuration":31540000,"postDeleteDuration":0,"scrollToMyPost":true,"rssFeedUrl":"/topic/22354.rss","pagination":"prev":"page":1,"active":false,"next":"page":1,"active":false,"rel":[],"pages":[],"currentPage":1,"pageCount":1,"loggedIn":false,"relative_path":"","template":"name":"topic","topic":true,"url":"/topic/22354/gta-v-offline-mode-retail-copy-only","bodyClass":"page-topic page-topic-22354 page-topic-gta-v-offline-mode-retail-copy-only"} Internal Error.Oops! 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